Life is full of moments that seem to have inevitable outcomes—situations where, if left to their own course, would end in disaster, defeat, or despair. Yet, time and again in Scripture, we find two simple yet powerful words: "But God." These words remind us that God’s intervention changes everything. What could have been tragic or hopeless, when God steps in, turns into something transformative, miraculous, and life-giving.

The Power of Divine Intervention

The phrase "But God" appears repeatedly in the Bible, emphasising how human limits are met by God’s limitless power. When the situation seemed beyond help, God stepped in, altering the course of history, lives, and destinies. This truth inspires modern-day Christians because it reveals that, even when we face insurmountable odds, God’s intervention can turn the tide.

Let’s explore some of these biblical examples and understand how this truth can embolden our faith today.

Joseph – Betrayed, But God Meant It for Good:

Joseph’s life is a striking example of “But God.” Sold into slavery by his own brothers, falsely accused, and thrown into prison, Joseph’s life seemed destined for ruin. However, in Genesis 50:20, Joseph tells his brothers, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."

Had God not intervened, Joseph’s story could have been one of defeat and despair. Yet, through God's plan, he rose to a place of influence, becoming a ruler in Egypt and saving not only his family but an entire nation during a famine. This story reminds us that even when others mean harm, God can turn it around for good.

David – Pursued by Saul, But God Was With Him:

King David, before ascending the throne, was relentlessly pursued by King Saul. Saul sought David’s life with the intent to kill him. Yet, the Bible says, "But God did not give David into his hands" (1 Samuel 23:14).

David’s deliverance was not because of his cleverness or strength but because of God’s protection. God intervened and preserved David’s life, ensuring that he would fulfil his destiny as Israel’s greatest king.

The Israelites – Slaves in Egypt, But God Delivered Them:

In Exodus, the Israelites groaned under the oppressive weight of slavery in Egypt. The situation seemed dire, and their future looked bleak. Yet, we read in Exodus 2:24-25, "God heard their groaning and remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. So God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them."

God’s intervention led to one of the most dramatic deliverances in history. Through Moses, God parted the Red Sea and led His people out of bondage, setting them on a journey toward the Promised Land.

Jesus – Crucified, But God Raised Him from the Dead:

Perhaps the greatest “But God” moment in all of Scripture is the resurrection of Jesus. After His crucifixion, it seemed as though death had won. The disciples were scattered, hope was lost, and darkness appeared to have the final say. But Acts 13:30 declares, "But God raised Him from the dead."

This single act of divine intervention changed the course of history. What seemed like the end was actually the beginning of salvation for all mankind. God’s power triumphed over death, giving us the ultimate victory through Christ.

Paul – Persecuted, But God Rescued Him:

The Apostle Paul faced persecution, shipwrecks, beatings, and imprisonments throughout his ministry. Yet, in Acts 26:22, Paul confidently states, "But God has helped me to this very day." Despite all the opposition, God continually rescued him, enabling him to spread the gospel and plant churches across the Roman Empire.

How "But God" Inspires Us Today:

The examples above are just a glimpse of the many “But God” moments in Scripture. Each one teaches us that when God intervenes, the impossible becomes possible, the hopeless find hope, and the defeated become victorious. 

I’ve had my own 'But God' moments when I was dismissed and overlooked by those who could have shared in the blessings God had prepared for me. Yet, when God turned my situation around, He not only blessed me but placed me in a position of honour, where even those who once disregarded me could not deny His grace at work in my life."

As Christians today, these "But God" moments should encourage us:

  • In moments of despair: When life seems overwhelming, remember that God is still in control, and He can change the outcome.
  • In times of waiting: When we don’t see answers or progress, remember that God is faithful, and His timing is perfect.
  • In struggles with sin: When we feel trapped, God can set us free and transform our lives.

When we face challenges that seem insurmountable, we need to remember those two powerful words: "But God." No matter the situation, God’s intervention can change everything. These moments in Scripture remind us that He is active in the affairs of men, and His plans for us are good, even when life feels difficult or uncertain.

So today, if you find yourself in a tough situation, let these words resonate in your heart: "But God." Hold on to His promises and trust that He is able to turn things around in ways you could never imagine.

“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)