It was between 3am and 6am.  The sea didn't seem to be in a very good mood and it was venting its anger. Caught in the middle of its anger were about a dozen men in a boat.

They were struggling to stay afloat against the terrible invasion of the waves, aided by the wind. As if that were not enough, one of them saw what looked like a man walking on the sea. He apparently shouted and pointed out the figure walking towards them. The others saw the same figure too and cried out in fear, "it's a ghost!" The Jews believed strongly in spirits and demons walking at night. In fact it was advised that care should be taken before greeting a man at night in case the person were a demon.

These men, disciples of Christ, shouted out in fear for their lives until they heard a soothing and encouraging voice, "Be of good cheer. I AM! Do not be afraid." (Matthew 14:27) The voice was so encouraging that it gave Peter the boldness to say, "Lord if it is you, tell me to come over on the water to you" (v 28) All Jesus needed to say was 'Come'. Peter stepped out in obedience and faith. He actually walked on water! Apart from Jesus, the only other person reported to have walked on water was Peter.

As He walked towards Jesus, his focus changed. He didn't look at the One who told him, 'Come'. He saw the waves as they snarled at him. He could almost hear them saying, "How dare you walk on us? Who do you think you are?" Peter began to fear and he began to sink. Gladly, the waves dragged him deeper and deeper into the water until Peter cried out, "Lord save me!"  Immediately, Jesus reached out and pulled him up. Jesus reprimanded Peter, "You have so little faith! Why did you doubt?"

Many of us today, are like Peter.  We have been called out of the world into the joy and peace that is in Christ Jesus. It is a lovely place to be as we enjoy the richness of His grace. However, at various points in our lives, the storms will rage. The waves will threaten us like they did Peter. Whether we will sink or walk depends on if we stay focused on Christ or allow the snarls of the waves to distract us.

One thing I love about Jesus was that He spent His life assuring us that we could do the same things He did. He didn't come to the earth to show us how great and how powerful He is. He didn't come to show off His ability to raise the dead and heal the sick. He came not only to show us the way to eternal life but also to assure us that we can do the same things He did while He was on earth. All we need to do is stay focused on Him!

What are the waves threatening you right now? Do not believe the lies of the devil. He will tell you that you don't have the right to walk on water but Jesus says, "Come". The enemy will tell you that you don't have the right to succeed but Jesus says 'Come'.

Peradventure you have taken your eyes off the Lord and you are sinking right now, I have good news for you. Peter was sinking, yet he cried to the Lord, "Lord please save me!" Immediately, Jesus stretched His hand and lifted Him out of troubled waters. If you are sinking in troubled waters right now, all you need to do is cry out to Jesus. He is closer than you think. He will lift you up and establish you so that you can keep your eyes focused on Him always.

Steve O. Popoola