Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

Posts with Tag: communion

by Steve Popoola on
In this last part of the P.U.S.H series, we will be looking at the topic, “Position Until Something Happens”. Why is positioning important for the Christian? As usual, we will look into the scriptures to give us an answer to that crucial question.Jesus and his disciples were on a journey when they came upon a village. One of the residents named Martha, invited them into her home. Martha went on to do what any decent hostess would do, she got busy making arrangements to entertain the Lord and his entourage. While she busy making these arrangements, she noticed her sister sitting at the Lord’s feet and hanging on to his every word. She was annoyed and said to Jesus, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tel...
by Steve Popoola on
It is always a pleasure when we visit those we love and cherish. We long to extend our stay with them as much as we can and it is always with reluctance that we eventually say our goodbyes.When it comes to our relationship with God, if you are like me, I am sure there are times when you wonder if God is present in your life. This often happens when we are faced with challenging situations and circumstances and we question where God is in all of this. The good news is that you are not alone. There were times when the Psalmist asked the same question. In Psalm 13: 1-2, the writer laments and wonders why God has forgotten him and allowing him to go through the sorrows and pain he was experiencing. In the next two verses however, he turned...
by Steve Popoola on
Walking In His Presence

By Steve Popoola

I  read about a boy who every night had to walk past what he believed was a haunted house. A friend gave him a good luck charm to give him courage.
An adult said, “It’s sinful to be afraid. Trust God! Be brave!” But the boy was still afraid.  Then someone told him, "I know what it means to be afraid, take my hand, I will go with you". The boy took the man's hand and he was no longer afraid.

In discussing the topic, Walking in His Presence, we will be looking at three aspects of God's presence.

The Essential Presence of God: This refers to the omnipresence of God. By Omnipresence, we mean that God is everywhere at all times. The Psalmist emphasized this when He...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.

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