Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

Welcome to Biblepraise

Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Steve Popoola on
It is that time of the year again. As Christmas draws close, the shopping malls have become as busy as ever and many are feverishly trying to get all that they need as well as buying gifts to give to neighbours, family, colleagues and all who are fortunate enough to be on their Christmas list.


A few days ago, I joined some members of my local church to sing carols at the main shopping centre. Many shoppers walked past briskly focused on getting their shopping items sorted. Others slowed down to listen a bit to our songs while some others actually sat down to enjoy song after song as we sang.


After we finished singing, I was greeted by someone who asked which Church we were from and after I had told him, I remarked, “This is one of the ways we can remind people wha...
by Steve Popoola on
The Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States is labelled Black Friday.  It heralds the beginning of the Christmas shopping season and it is characterized by significant reduction in the prizes of consumer items, thus causing a spike in sales as shoppers take advantage of the low prizes.

This practice has gained popularity in other countries like the United Kingdom where it was reported that about £2M in revenue was made every minute.

Black Friday is over now and there are many who are still basking in the euphoria of being able to purchase items at a fraction of the price, while others are already planning to sell what they bought as they are no longer sure whether they really needed the items in the first place.

Over 2 thousand years ago, the greatest b...
by Steve Popoola on
For several months, we have witnessed what has been regarded as one of the nastiest presidential campaigns in the United States of America. Not many people would remember all the campaign promises made by Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump but many would remember the personal insults traded by both camps and their supporters.

After all said and done, one person will win and become the next President but I wonder at what cost the election will be won?

Making a choice to elect a leader has always been an issue even from Biblical times. It is easy to make the choice but do people always elect the right person into office and what are the consequences of making a wrong choice?

In 1 Samuel 8. The Prophet Samuel appointed his sons to serve as judges over Israel. Unfortunatel...
by Joseph Mazzella on
It was a chilly Autumn morning a few years ago.  I was driving along the mountain roads slower than usual trying to take in all the Fall colors.  It seemed like all of the leaves had changed overnight.  It looked as if God in His good-humor and love had painted the mountains themselves while we slept.

The yellow and gold leaves were sparkling in the sunshine.  The red and orange ones were fluttering brilliantly in the breeze.  The deep, rich burgundies and earthy browns were appearing as well.  The few remaining green ones looked even better being surrounded by the others.  It was so glorious.  It was a day made for happiness.  Yet, a part of me still felt sad, small, and insignificant in the midst of all of this heaven sent beauty.

As I rounded a curve I suddenly...
by Steve Popoola on
Right from the beginning of scripture, God has always provided for man. We learn from the account of creation in Genesis 2:8, “Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food”.


God didn’t just make man and instruct him to till the garden and sow seed for food; He already provided everything man needed. Adam was happy enough to live in the garden with all the animals God had created but God decided something was missing. Adam needed another human being he could relate with, who could be his helper. One again, Jehovah Jireh provided one of the most important needs of man; the need for companionship.
by Steve Popoola on
I recently learnt a hard lesson on being sensitive to prompts and signals. As human beings, we have been created to recognise and respond to prompts, signs and signals in order to take action that can keep not only us but others safe from impending harm.

My family and I set out on a trip to Taunton in Somerset, a county in South West England. Along the way, I refused to acknowledge the prompt of the navigator guiding me to take a certain road because I felt I knew a better route. It turned out that I was wrong and ended up taking a longer route through busy city traffic that I would have otherwise avoided.

One would have thought that I would have learnt my lesson but that was not the case. On the return drive, I felt a strong prompting in my spirit; it was so clear, I kn...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.