Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

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Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Helen Dowd on

"Why is that man so ugly, and the mommy so pretty?" Five-year-old Nancy tugged on her mother's arm, and pointed.

"Sh! Sh!" said her mother. "You wouldn't want them to hear, would you?"

"But Mommy, he's ugly! How can that pretty lady stand to look at him?"

The mother glanced toward the couple her daughter was pointing at, quickly taking her child away. But every day during the sea cruise, they saw the couple. Whenever they did, Nancy buried her face in her mother's clothes. "Mommy, I just can't stand to look at him. He is so ugly," she would say.
 One day Nancy and her mother, Maria, were on deck, enjoying the sea breeze. The beautiful woman came and stood beside them. She spoke a soft greetin...
by Steve Popoola on
How many times have you heard people say the words, ‘Let me tell you the gospel truth?’
Quite a number of people who use this figure of speech don’t even know what the gospel is all about but use this phrase to emphasize the fact in what they are trying to pass across.

The gospel means ‘good news’ and the good news is that though we deserved God’s justice through disobedience to his laws, God Himself decided to pay the full price, to satisfy the demands of His own justice, by surrendering Jesus to die for the sins of humankind.

Embedded in the good news are God’s promises to His people made available through His son Jesus. In Christ we have divine healing (1 Peter 2:24) Many times I have personally relied on this promise and have experienced divine healing in my life. Even wh...
by Rubel Shelly on
Making and keeping promises is one of the things that distinguishes humans from animals. It is also what separates good people from bad ones.

Yes, I can imagine some promises that should be broken. What if I am a junior-high kid who promises his buddy to help get even with somebody who hurt his friend's feelings by trashing his bike or computer? Then I realize that I've promised to do something wrong. Break the promise! You had no right to make it. Adults sometimes get in those situations as well. Think first. Then speak.
 Yes, I can imagine some good promises made in good faith that may be broken. Suppose a woman accepts a proposal to marry - only to discover over the few months prior to the wedding date that the relationship is a big mistake. Better to be honest and suffer em...
by Steve Popoola on
I still remember where I was when it happened. I was in my small IT support office in the bank where I worked. I was sitting before my console, ensuring that the branch users where working without problems when my yahoo messenger client began blinking. ‘Who could do that be?’ I wondered, a bit annoyed that I was being distracted from my work. Then I noticed that it was not just one window blinking, then I opened the first one and my blood ran cold. ‘Terrorist attack on America, plane hits World Trade Centre!”
  I quickly opened up my internet explorer and tried to access BBC, the site wouldn’t open. I got a message, ‘We are sorry but there are too many requests currently on this site, please try later’. I tried CNN, no dice. Google wouldn’t open either, especially since my inter...
by Steve Popoola on
Jesus had just cast out a demon from a man possessed (Luke 11:14). As usual, two classes of people reacted to this event. The first were the skeptics. They just did not want to believe that someone would speak to demons and they would simple obey.

They had seen many people possessed and had been helpless to offer any solution whatsoever to the plight of these people. They probably blamed the sufferers for their state and only God knows what exercise in futility they must have subjected those unfortunate people to, in the bid to exorcise the demons oppressing them.

Here was a man coming from nowhere, who had the ability to command demons to leave the body of a human being and they just leave without any form of resistance! Who was He anyway? He didn't even attend any of the exc...
by Steve Popoola on

July 22, 2011. A man named Anders Breivik woke up that day knowing he was going to commit what is probably the worst terrorist atrocity in Europe since World War II.  He first set out to plant explosives in Oslo which destroyed government buildings and resulted in the deaths of some people, and then he proceeded to the Utoya, an island where a youth camp was being held. He opened fire on the young people, killing 68 of them. The final death toll from his action was 77.
 August 6, 2011. Riots erupted in Tottenham, England, in reaction to the shooting of a man named Mark Duggan, by the police. What started as an angry response to that incident soon degenerated into the criminal looting and destruc...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.