Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

Welcome to Biblepraise

Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Steve Popoola on
The heat of the global recession is on. The news carried nothing else but job losses, closure of shops, bankruptcy and stock market crashes. Even before this moment in time, the media is known for sensationalizing bad news. If it is not about the global recession, it is about a man who raped his daughter or the body of a murdered ten-year old found somewhere or a country in Africa where people are being ravaged by AIDS.

In the midst of these terrible reports however, it is exciting to know that there is good news. The good news comes directly from the one who created the heavens and the earth; the One by whom you and I exist.

What is this good news you might ask? The good news is simply this; God knew ahead of time, that there will be a time like this and He made the...
by Steve Popoola on
About seven years ago, I began to put my bible study thoughts into writing and circulate among a few friends that I had about that time. Before this time however, I used to keep a journal of my life experiences.
A few days ago, I was searching through some old stuff and came across one of my old diaries and I began to read through some of the things I wrote so many years ago.  It was an emotional moment for me, as my memory began playing back some of the scenes I put down in my diary.
by Steve Popoola on
It all started when I began sharing my personal Bible studies with a few friends.  Back then,  the internet was not quite popular as it is today and service outlets were very limited.  I had limited access to the internet at work and these times gave me the opportunity to quickly share my thoughts with a few friends numbering about 10. These friends in turn forwarded my notes to others and my list began to expand.

At a particular point in time, I could no longer send my thoughts on individual basis because my list had grown to about 100. In 2002, The Biblepraise Newsletter was born when I registered it as a group on Yahoo.  This was followed by the hosting of the website, The list began to explode and before I knew it, we had over a thousand subscribers on the list and th...
by Steve Popoola on
Every event in the world gives rise to new words and terminologies. Since the later part of last year till now, I believe the most common phrase I have heard is ‘Global economic meltdown’.

The current economic situation in the world has been described in various ways. Recently, I heard Prime Minister of Britain, Gordon Brown refer to it as  ‘an economic earthquake’.  The economies of the developed countries of this world as we know them, are in recession. Governments are frantically doing all they can to revive their economies, thus we hear the frequent use of the phrase, ‘Bailout plan’.

No doubt we live in grave and difficult times. People are losing jobs in their millions and there isn’t any assurance that there would be a turn around in the world economy any time soon. Ther...
by Steve Popoola on

Movie producers creatively represent love as something which brings a man and a woman together. In many cases, there are so many reasons why these two people should not be together. It could be differences in race, colour, religion or parental bias. In a number of cases, the main characters have reasons to hate each other and ensure that they let the other person know that they could never have reason to relate together as friends. Being romantically involved would be just imagining the impossible.

Then something happens. Fate brings them together and suddenly, the feelings they never knew was there comes to the surface. They struggle with it over and over again, until they can’t fight it anymore and then they come to realize that they love each other deeply. Thus, an unli...
by Irene Budzynsky on

The night shift had finally ended. It was one of the worst nights I could remember in 10 years. No matter what I had done, it didn't seem as if I had accomplished anything of value. The hospital was unusually full, and the patients especially needy. Eight hours weren't enough time to get all my tasks completed, so I'd stayed an extra hour to finish. I drove home crying in frustration, nerve fibers stretched to maximum exhaustion.

Too tired to walk into the house, I sat on the front porch well past the hour of dawn's coolness and rocked in the wicker chair, oblivious to the weight-bearing heat on my skin. Devoid of energy, there was nothing left for me to do but to allow the sun's rays to warm me, wishing I was one of those people who didn't get so emotionally involved with my patients....
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.