Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

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Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Steve Popoola on
 Abraham was  man of faith. God spoke and he believed. His faith so moved God that the Bible says,  'Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness' (Gen 15:6)

To Abraham, nothing was too big or too complex for him to trust God for. He believed God's promise to make him a father of many nations at a time when his wife was not even pregnant. He believed when God told him to leave his comfort zone for a place flowing with milk and honey. 

Do we indeed have men with the faith of Abraham today?  Our Lord Jesus Himself must have thought about this when He asked the question, 'When the Son of man comes, will He find faith on earth?' (Luke 18:8)

Abraham was one of the few people God referred to as His friend. 'The Lord says, "People of Israel, you are my servants. Family of J...
by Steve Popoola on
Moses.  A child whom the parents recognized as an extraordinary child when he was born.  He came into the world at a time when there was an order that all male children born to Hebrew women should be killed at birth. Against all odds, he survived. Hiding him for three months was an act of faith. So also was the act of placing him on the river Nile in a small basket.  

I am sure that Moses’ mother did not in her wildest dreams believe that Moses would be raised in Pharaoh’s palace.  She was only hoping that someone,  probably a Hebrew,  would see the baby and have compassion on him. How the heart of Moses sister must have skipped a beat when the person who saw the baby was Pharaoh’s daughter! Ordinarily, this should have meant instant death for the baby but God had other plans.  

When Pha...
by Steve Popoola on
 At age 40, Moses was no longer satisfied with sitting in the palace and observing what was going on. Day after day he must have struggled with himself, trying to cope with his double identity. He was considered the child of Pharaoh’s daughter, having been adopted after being rescued from the river Nile. However he knew that he was born of Hebrew parents and desired so much to be part of them.

The first flaw we see in Moses is that of presumption. On one of the days when he went out to watch his people working, he saw an Egyptian maltreating a Hebrew. Indignation at this injustice rose within Moses and he came to the defence of the Hebrew slave, killing the Egyptian in the process. We read in Acts 7:25, ‘Moses thought that his own people would realize that God was using him to rescue them...
by Steve Popoola on
Laughter. That was the meaning of the name,  given to the son of Abraham and Sarah.  They had waited for so  many years.  Many had written them off and no doubt had hailed Abraham’s marriage to Hagar as a wise move. When she got pregnant and gave birth to Ishmael, I am sure it was well celebrated and the news must have gone round, ‘Abraham has a son! At last, someone who will inherit Abraham’s vast riches!’

This was the thinking of man but God had other plans.  Isaiah 55:8 says, ‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways says the LORD’

This scripture found fulfillment when God announced to Abraham that He would have a son when he was a hundred years old. The immediate response when Abraham heard this was laughter.  It was the same response from Sarah when she o...
by Steve Popoola on
 A son who learns well from his parents is always a source of joy and pride to them.  I have no doubt that Abraham and Sarah would have gone into their graves with a sense of fulfillment knowing that they had raised their son in the fear and knowledge of the  Lord.

However, when our children learn the negative things we do and actually manifest those things before us, how do we feel? I have seen many frustrated and disappointed parents who saw their weaknesses being portrayed before them by their children.  In their frustration, they discipline these children severely, with the hope that they could uproot the seed of those behaviours from their hearts.  They thought the children had been insulated and protected from their weaknesses but alas, it becomes plain to them that the children hav...
by Steve Popoola on
The eyes of the whole world are on America. This has always been the case whenever elections come up in the US.  The level of attention this year has been unprecedented because this may well be the election that will change America’s history if the current polls have anything to say in the elections.

The presidential candidates have over the months made promises, a lot of them. As is the case with politicians, some of these promises will be kept but many others will not be. It happens all the time. The new President gets elected, he tries to keep to his promise, then other factors come to play and he finds out that some promises, if kept as promised, may cause problems for him. He talks his way around it and that issue becomes history. This is not the bane of just American politicians; we...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.