Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

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Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Steve Popoola on
Every year, during the days leading to Christmas, we see the same scenario playing out itself. The shopping centres are full, the cities are bustling with traffic both human and vehicular. You wonder where such a mammoth crowd emerged from all of a sudden.'But it's Christmas!' you might exclaim, and I agree with you. My question however is, 'Whose Christmas?'I was reading the account of the birth of Jesus and something struck my mind.  Mary and Joseph had gone to Bethlehem to be counted in line with the decree of Ceaser Augustus. While there, she went into labour. Imagine for a moment, being in Joseph's shoes. He must have gone from inn to inn looking for accommodation and could not find any because they were all booked by others, who had al...
by Steve Popoola on
I have recently been spending some time on a chapter in the Bible - Hebrews 11. This chapter is often referred to as the Hall of faith due mainly to the fact that it lists the men and women who lived exemplary lives of faith.One thing I noticed about these people was that there was nothing superhuman about them. They were men and women just like you and I. What set them apart was that they decided on a course of action which changed not only their lives but also the destiny of nations.The chapter starts with a definition of faith “as the confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see”. It goes further to say, “This is what the ancients were commended for” (Hebrews 11: 1- 2) One thing that strikes me abou...
by Steve Popoola on
These days, it is quite common to hear the word advocacy being bandied around. In a general sense, it means “public support for an idea, plan or way of doing something” Cambridge dictionary. It therefore follows that the general meaning of the noun ‘advocate’ is someone who publicly supports something they believe in. The meaning that is however relevant to this writing is the legal one which is, ‘a lawyer who defends someone in court’. There is no denying the fact that most countries in the world have complex legal systems which makes it extremely difficult for one to seek legal action without the need for a professional legal representative. This is the reason why governments provide legal aid for those who cannot afford to secure their own legal representat...
by Joseph Mazzella on
When I was a young boy my Grandmother had to have surgery for a tumor on her brain. The only hospital equipped to do it was over 1 ½ hour’s drive away. Still, after her surgery we all climbed into our old car to head down to see her. When we got to the hospital I learned that to visit the patients you had to be over 12 years old, which I wasn’t. It was a safer time then so my Mom felt comfortable leaving me alone in the waiting room while the rest of them visited Nana.After leafing through magazines for awhile I got bored and decided to walk down the hall and see what I could see. One of the first rooms I peeked in was a small chapel. At first I thought it was empty but when I looked closer...
by Steve Popoola on
In the last couple of days, I have been reading scriptures and devotionals on prayer and I dare say that it has increased my desire and passion towards prayer. It also gave me the opportunity to understand the power that prayer can unleash if we only understand the gift and power that has been placed into our hands as believers. I ask the question, ‘Why Pray?’ because I have found out that in life, if you do not understand the ‘why’ then you will not value the ‘what’. There are various references in scripture which you may have become quite familiar with; “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Watch and pray s...
by Steve Popoola on
I am a firm believer in understanding why we do the things we do. This is because unless we understand the ‘why’ we will not value the  importance what we do and thereby rob ourselves of the immense benefits underlying what are engaged in or the dangers associated with missing the mark. To understand the essence of worship, we will attempt to answer the following questions;What is Worship?Who do we worship?Why do we worship?When and where do we worship?How do we worship?What is worship? I love the way the Webster’s dictionary defines worship, “Worship is to honour with extravagant love and extreme submission" (Webster’s Dictionary,1828).” What or who we honour is what we hold de...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.