Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

Welcome to Biblepraise

Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Steve Popoola on
At various times in our lives, we play hosts to some special people in our lives. The guests could be strangers or could be family members who no longer live with us.

Before a guest visits us, the first thing we do is to create an appointment. The process can simply be a phone call, a text message, a letter or a verbal agreement at a previous meeting. The essential part of that agreement would be the date and time of the visit.

Once the appointment has been made, both the guest and the host begin planning towards the visit. Usually the guest will think of things such as what to wear, gifts to buy (where applicable) and plan the journey to ensure that he/she arrives at the agreed time.

On the appointment day, the entry of the guest to the home of the host is usually preceded b...
by Steve Popoola on
It is so easy for us as Christians to get caught up in the routines and activities of Church life. We come to meetings, we get involved in various roles within the fellowship, we try to lend a helping hand where it is needed and we go away with a sense of satisfaction that we have done our bit to support and advance the kingdom of Christ here on earth.

We give our resources and time and we pray for our families, our community, our country, the Church, as well as others we know who need our prayers. In other words, we are model Christians worth emulating.  While all these are commendable, God wants us to know that there is more!

In Luke 10: 1-12. Jesus sends out 72 disciples ahead in pairs to all the towns he planned to visit. When they came back, they were ecstatic at...
by Joseph Mazzella on
When I was a young father and Autumn would spread her colorful carpet across the hills and mountains of my home, I would often load my kids into the car and embark on a Fall foliage tour.

We would take the back roads and look at the leaves shining in the sunlight.  There would be glittering golds, blazing reds, and outrageous oranges, sometimes all on the same tree.  We would drive and stop and look and be in awe of the beauty of this world and the glory of God’s creation.

I remember one time driving a long way down a back road I was unfamiliar with.  At one point I came to a crossroads.  Down one lane the road was still paved and looked in good condition.  The other road, however...
by Steve Popoola on
Many today are still wondering whether God still speaks to us. Some church denominations even believe we are no longer in the dispensation of God speaking to His people and that no one should expect direct communication from God to His people.

I read an article from a Theologian who believes that God no longer speaks to us because His word is already given to us in the Bible. He based his argument on the fact that God spoke in Biblical times because as at that time, the work of redemption was in progress and therefore God needed to speak to man at various times.

Now I am not as knowledgable as that historian but I know that even after Jesus went back to heaven, God spoke to the Apostles in various ways apart from his written word. Acts 10: 9-16, Acts 13:2.

If God does not speak to...
by Steve Popoola on
Although I have worked as an IT Professional for so many years, my first University degree was in Accounting. In Financial Accounting, one of my favourite topics was Bank reconciliation statements.

When checking how much they have in their bank accounts, people usually check how much they have as their balances. It is common when checking bank statements either online or on paper statements sent to customers to see two different bank balances. One would be balance available to spend, while the other will be balances pending transactions that have not been fully processed by the bank.

These payments could be monies paid to a person but not yet ‘cleared’, cheques that have been presented by the customer but which had not been ‘cleared’ for payment by the ba...
by Steve Popoola on
I looked up the dictionary meaning of Kingdom and the Webster's dictionary, it was defined as, “a politically organised community or major territorial unit having a monarchical form of government headed by a king or queen”. It is also defined as the “the eternal kingship of God” or “the realm in which God's will is fulfilled”.


The Kingdom of God is one of the most misunderstood terms in the Bible. The first time it is mentioned in the new testament is in Matthew 3:1-2. and it occurs 33 times in the book. “In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”

John the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus Christ and he preached the message of repentance. When Jesus began his publi...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.