Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

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Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Steve Popoola on
All through life, we make certain things our priority.  At various times as children, we tend to place our priorities on various things like play and food.


As we grow older however, our priorities begin to shift. Other priorities emerge, education, career, family, friendships, self-actualization, and community involvement among others.


As Christians, it is important that we know what where our priorities lie. It is so easy for us to shift emphasis from what God wants us to do to other things that look and sound exciting, yet should be the least in the terms of our priority.


In Matthew 23:23, Jesus expressed his displeasure at the Pharisees.  They were very meticulous in calculating tithe due to be paid by the people, even to the minutest measurements...
by Rubel Shelly on
An article in the Wall Street Journal raised an interesting question: Why do so many people buy athletic gear and then never engage the sport?


The article in question claims "the U.S. athletic apparel market will increase by nearly 50 percent to more than $100 billion at retail by 2020, driven in large part by consumers snapping up stretchy tees and leggings that will never see the fluorescent lights of a gym."


But retailers are happy to play along. So they produce jogging pants and running shorts to sell at $90 to men who may never jog. Outdoor stores debut new lines of flannel shirts and hiking boots for both men and women who likely have no intention of actually hiking or camping. But who cares? It sells.

My point in citing...
by Steve Popoola on
In various aspects of living, people are chosen for different functions or roles.  Interviews are conducted every day leading to a decision to choose the right candidate for the job. 

In sports, coaches and technical teams have to decide which athletes would go through based on their perception of who they think would bring glory to the team.

The Grammy awards which took place this week was based on the nomination of artistes in different categories of music. Being nominated itself is a thing cherished but ultimately, only one person would emerge as the winner.

The consequence of making these choices is that some people will be ecstatic with joy while others would be disappointed, although they might hide it under the cloak of being magnanimous.

by Steve Popoola on
Everyone hopes for something. Children hope their parents will care for them and buy them nice things. Employees hope for a raise at work. Voters hope their chosen candidate will address their concerns. Hope is what drives humanity; it is an essential ingredient for survival. A person without hope is paralysed by fear. No matter how dire the circumstances, there is always hope that tomorrow will bring good fortune.In ordinary usage, hope refers to something good we want to happen in the future or a confident feeling about what will happen in the future. This shows that hope relates to the future – something that has not happened but which we desire to happen.However, there is no guarantee that what we desire will actually happen. We see this with poli...
by Rubel Shelly on
The term "missing link" occasionally makes headlines in terms of a skeleton or fossil being unearthed. But it also fits the human profile for success in such arenas as business, politics, and faith.


When we educate people nowadays, we tend to focus on competencies. When a university builds its business department, for example, it makes strategic hires in accounting, management, marketing, and human resources. The same principle holds from kindergarten through graduate and professional schools. We want people to master certain knowledge, skills, and functions.


Yet it continues to amaze us - or, so we say! - that CFO's rob their companies blind or CEOs tank them for some version of a double life. Late-night television makes fun of the same phenomenon with mayors, go...
by Steve Popoola on
One the eve of a new year, there is always a lot of excitement. People gather together to do different things to herald the New Year. For some, it is a time to have a party and make a grand, drunken entrance into the New Year for others, it is a time to have fun watching the fireworks and screaming a feverish countdown into the New Year.

Yet, we have others, who gather together to worship and praise God into the new year, appreciating Him for what He had done in the outgoing year and trusting Him to meet their needs in the incoming one.

As a Christian, I fall into the category of those who love to spend those crucial hours in the presence of God. It makes no sense to people who do not know Him as they feel that it is supposed to be a time of celebration and excitem...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.