Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

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Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Steve Popoola on
Life often throws challenges at us at various times. There are however times when it feels like we are facing a barrage of  problems at the same time. We literally find ourselves being pulled in different directions.
I know firsthand how this feels and it is not an enviable place to be at all. Problems do have a way of squeezing the very life out of a person. An otherwise enthusiastic person loses the zest and spark that characterize their personality. Then comes isolation and following quickly is the tendency towards depression which ultimately leads to death for the many who lose hope totally.

I recently experienced a situation where my mind was racing in all directions. I knew God would take care of the situation but somehow it looked as if the situat...
by Steve Popoola on
“In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength” Isaiah 30:15.


Have you been through periods in your life when it looks like everything is being thrown at you all at the same time? It seems like as you are coming out of one difficult situation, another one is waiting to envelope you. Every side you turn, there is a challenge waiting to confront you. If you have been through this situation or you are going through it right now, I have good news, if it will be of encouragement, you are not alone.

I have in recent times, faced situations that were rather challenging for me spiritually, physically and emotionally. There are times that I think I just could not go on. It was on one of those days that I came across the s...
by Helen Dowd on
Have you ever longed for stillness? I mean real quietness? Go far out into the country, and in the middle of the night, listen…Listen to quietness?   Yes. After all the noises of the city or town-traffic, industry, sirens, dogs barking, church bells ringing, you get the point–stillness can be deafening.
Everywhere there is noise. Electricity makes noise. Listen during the stillness of the night in your own home, and you will hear noise. But out in the country, in the middle of the night when even the birds are asleep, you can hear the stillness. It is loud. It hurts your ears. Listen for a while–if you ever get the chance–and you will almost wish for some kind of noise. We expect noise. It is what we are used to.

But in our spiritual...
by Steve Popoola on
“When last did you hear from God?” That was the question a guest speaker  asked a number of people in the audience.

There were various responses like;  ‘It has been a while’, ‘I used to hear from Him but I no longer do’. One person whose honesty I admired, responded, ‘I have never heard God speak’.

The topic for the fellowship seminar was ‘Intimacy With God’ so it was not out of line for the guest speaker to ask people if they heard God speak to them.

Does God still speak to men? I believe He does. God spoke to men in time past. When He told Abraham to leave his home and people, Abraham heard and obeyed (Gen 12:1) He also spoke to Abraham on many occasions after this time.

David was described as ‘the man after God’s heart’. The book of Psalms  is ample evidence t...
by Steve Popoola on
It is amazing how God speaks to us through our everyday living. I was on a rush from the gym one morning, heading to the train station. I felt that if I drove a bit faster, I would make it to my train on time.

I overtook the car in front of me because I felt the driver was not going fast enough. A few minutes later, I came to a red light and had to stop. Seconds later, the car I overtook stopped in the next lane next to me.

At that point I felt a bit stupid and laughed at my foolishness. Here was I in a hurry and trying to milk as much speed as I could get within the legal limit and right beside me was someone else driving with ease as if he had no real destination in mind, yet we were both stopped at the red light even though I had left him behind a few minutes ago.

by Steve Popoola on
In the last 48 hours, the world has once again been shocked by activities of terrorists, this time in Kenya. People who went for weekend of shopping and relaxation, found themselves at the receiving end of wicked and terrible acts of a group of people who claim to be fighting a holy war.


Every time events like this happens, I ask the question, ‘How can someone kill innocent people, including women and children and claim that he is doing it as an act dedicated to God?
I have nothing against the Moslem religion, I believe anyone has the right to choose whichever way they want to serve God. However, it seems to me that the religion gives room for people to easily engage in acts of despicable wickedness and murder and ascribe their actions to God. In the world today, no other gro...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.