Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

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Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Joseph Mazzella on
Dear Mr. Hawking,

First let me say that I have always admired you. Your intellectual achievements and your courageous battle against the disease of ALS for all these decades have been an inspiration for thousands of people in this world.

However, when I saw your recent statements on television about how with the law of gravity and physics, science can explain the universe without the need for God I felt moved to write this letter and politely disagree with you.

I may be a simple inspirational writer and not know that much about the laws of the universe. Still, most scientists admit that they don’t know everything about them either.

When I look at this world around me, though, I cannot bring myself to believe that it was made through some random actions even if th...
by Steve Popoola on

In our present age, it is so easy to become depressed and overwhelmed. There are many issues within and without that continually threaten our peace of mind. Some of these pressures could be internal;  like for instance, when we feel a sense of sinfulness which often leads to guilt and a sense of inadequacy.

Another thing that  could threaten our peace of mind is fear and worry.  We worry about our past actions and what effect it may have on our future, we worry about whether our investment today will yield anything worthwhile in the future to justify the investment, we worry about the children and the pressures...
by Steve Popoola on
One morning, my colleagues were discussing about whether God exists. Almost everyone involved in the discussion gave reasons why they did not believe that there is a God.

Usually, I do not debate with people on such a subject unless a question is directed at me personally.  At some point during the discussion, I heard myself asking them the question, ‘Guys, How can explain the way things work? The way the universe holds together? Don’t you think someone is in control? Or do you think that these things just work?’ That was the end of the discussion. It was as if God Himself ended the discussion.

In his book, The Grand Design, Stephen Hawking said that the laws of physics, not the will of God, provide the real explanation as to how life on Earth came into being. The Big...
by Jaye Lewis on
I'm always amazed to read the scathing blast of a Christian self-righteous sermon in print.  A couple of Bible passages are always given as a reference to illustrate the point of the sermon.  Then the inevitable guilt club is picked up and swung, right at a sinful heart, in perfect judgment.

"How dare you ask God's forgiveness, when you are not forgiving!


How dare you ask for mercy when you are not merciful!"  The questions and accusations are hurled like darts at a pulsing target, and when they hit the heart, many things can happen.  These accusations can make a person, weighed heavy by sin, feel hopeless, as they suppose that "not even God will forgive my sin."  I've seen this happen, and I...
by Steve Popoola on

The title of this article falls into what is called an Oxymoron in English grammar. This is because a Christian by definition, is a passionate follower of Christ. 

Passion is what drives you to do something even when the conditions are not favourable.  It is something that drives a man to achieve something regardless of whether others have tried and failed.
A passionate man is one who has a mission, a goal or a target. He strives to achieve this goal, willing to endure the challenges and ha...
by Steve Popoola on

There is no doubt that we live in trouble times. Many countries have been going through years of recession and this has affected many businesses with direct impact on the livelihood of families.

As I watched the news yesterday, my attention was drawn to an old couple who had been adversely affected by the man's loss of job as an Engineer in America. He told the story of how they no longer have health insurance; they are now in debt, had their electricity cut and now they were losing their home. My heart went out to them and I wished I had the resource and ability to help them. I realize however that theirs is not an isolated case, they are just one of the millions of families goin...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.