Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

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Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Steve Popoola on
Jesus’ twelve disciples had noticed several times how the master separated himself to pray.   They knew that John had taught his disciples how to pray and they desired this as well. (Luke 11: 1 -4 )

Note that Jesus did not take it upon Himself to teach them, He waited for them to desire it.  It is possible that as part of their training, John taught his disciples to pray but in the case of Jesus, He waited for  them to ask.  The question is why?
First, I believe Jesus wanted them to desire it. Most times when you give people what they do not desire, they do not appreciate the value.  The way a child would value a gift which you bought without him asking  is different from when the child had desired for that gift  and you buy it for him. It makes a lot of difference!

by Rubel Shelly on
It was an ethics class I was teaching several years ago. I read a newspaper story to the class about two pre-teen girls who returned a purse they found on the street to its owner. They opened it, found the owner's name on a driver's license, and looked her up in the phone book. Oh, yes. They returned the $4,000 cash they saw inside the purse as they were searching for the owner's identification.
I asked the class to comment on what the girls had done. As most of the class affirmed what they had done, one female spoke to up tell of a similar event in her life. She had found a purse, discovered the owner's ID, and mailed it back to her - minus the $162 cash that was in the wallet. "I did her a favor by getting her papers and credit cards back to her," she said, "a...
by Steve Popoola on
He had just won one of the fiercest battles of his life and was undoubtedly in very high spirits. Seeing God in action at a time you expect gives one an exhilarating effect. It makes you want to face the world with a ‘Bring it on!’ attitude because you have just seen an awesome demonstration of the power of God. This was how Elijah must have felt after the victory on mount Carmel. (1 Kings 18)
It was supposed to be a no-contest, the odds were 450 – 1 that Elijah would win but like the saying goes, ‘One with God is a majority’.  The 450 prophets were disgraced and Elijah’s God answered by fire.

Shortly after, King Ahab went home to report to his wife Jezebel all that happened. As expected, Jezebel was livid with rage. She sent a message to Elijah, "You killed my...
by Steve Popoola on
Sometimes at the end of the day I would wonder, 'where did the time go?' This happens most times when I was extremely busy at work or on a project and I lost all sense of time while battling with the assignment.

Looking back at my forty plus years on earth, I can't help but think, 'where did all those years go?' Yet as I think of this, the clock in my living room continues to count the seconds without stopping. It goes 'tick-tock tick-tock' without caring about my concerns about the movement of time. It makes me remember the various sayings about time, 'Time waits for no one' and 'A stitch in time saves nine'
My thoughts are not really on the issue of time now but rather on how we get so caught up in the now that we don't even think so much of eternity. When et...
by Steve Popoola on
I woke up this morning and lay on my bed meditating. While doing this, my eyes turned towards a corner of my bed where I had placed a flashlight. There was nothing strange about the flashlight as I had used it the night before and it was usual for me to keep it near me when I am in bed, in case here is a power outage anytime during the night.
I picked up the flashlight and looked at it closely. At this point, I felt that the Lord was about to tell me something because of the deep interest I had suddenly developed in the flashlight. In my heart, I asked the Lord what lesson lay in this flashlight. I unscrewed the battery compartment and slid the batteries out. Lifting the flashlight up I looked into the battery compartment. The only thing I saw w...
by Steve Popoola on
"Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations" Duet 7:9

Promises. People make them and break them every day. Some people sincerely make promises believing that they will be able to keep them, while others make empty promises knowing that they have no intention of keeping them.
I know what it means to experience the pain of broken promises. My growing up years were tough. Things were not just working out for me unlike my other contemporaries who seem to be having it easy. Once in a while, I came across people who offered hope and support only for me to realize later that they didn't mean what they promised. In some cases, I realized...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.