Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

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Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Steve Popoola on

Embarking on a long journey requires careful and adequate preparation. I confess that I often leave preparations for journeys till a day or two thinking that I don’t have much to do in terms of packing, only to discover bits and pieces of things that need to be put in place giving rise to anxiety and worry that I might not be on time.

Thankfully, my wife is the opposite. Anytime I have a trip to undertake, she ensures that weeks before the time, I start preparing, albeit reluctantly. Several days before the journey, she would check to ensure that I have all the important things packed and if anything comes to mind, she would confirm that I have those things packed.

As Christians, we often forget that our lives are full of short and long trips. Each experience is a journey an...
by Steve Popoola on
One year rolls away and another one rolls in, all within a second.  I watched in fascination as countries around the world waited with bated breath as the seconds counted towards midnight, ushering in the new year 2013.  The year was greeted with fireworks and shouts of jubilation as everyone congratulated one another, exchanging wishes and prayers for the New Year.

Every year has its own share of good and bad events – 2012 was not an exception. While others would say it was a good year for them, for many others, it was a year filled with sadness, sorrow and difficulties.

 The reality is that 2013 will not be a lot different from previous years in terms of the events that will take place. As it happened in the previous years, there will be things to celebrate and there wil...
by Steve Popoola on

By Mary-Ellen Grisham

"And what were you expecting?" the sharp-voiced crow said to the weary donkey.  "Perhaps to be transported on the air to Bethlehem with a young king on your back?"

The weary donkey looked up at the dark black crow, weighed the caustic voice, ignored the rancor, and sighed.  He shook his head and settled into the hay at the back of the enclosure.

"Besides," the scratchy voice of the crow continued, "your gently rocking rhythm may have made an easier birth for the mother there with her son in the feeding trough."

The donkey nodded and turned his eyes toward the infant, who glowed with heavenly light, a beauty he had not seen before.  Shepherds were coming out of the fields toward the babe. A few wooly sheep made their way to the openi...
by Steve Popoola on
When it was announced several weeks before Christmas in my church, that we would be visiting the Boys Remand Home, I felt the need to be part of that group.  Before I proceed, I will like to explain the meaning and purpose of this home, especially for non-Nigerians who make have different names for this kind of institution.

The Boys Remand Home is a juvenile correctional centre for young offenders. Children too young to be committed to prison for crimes committed, or those who had become a nuisance or problem to the society.

As a team, we set out for this place, not knowing what to expect, but we believed God would touch these children and youths through our ministrations and pour gifts of love. When we got there, we had a small service and I had the opportunity to observe...
by Steve Popoola on
"Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." (Luke 12:15)

Alan Johnston was a British reporter working for the BBC.  He was the BBC correspondence in Gaza, within the Palestinian territory.

What began like a normal day for Alan, ended in a journey that would change his life forever. He was kidnapped on March 12, 2007 by a group known as Army of Islam. Usually, kidnappings of foreigners in Gaza was negotiated and the victim released within an hour or a day at most. Alan's case was different. He was held hostage for the next 4 months. The next time he was seen by anyone was when a video of him was shown with a bomb vest tied to his chest, reading out the demands of the kidnappers....
by Steve Popoola on
When Heroes Fall
By Rubel Shelly

National news media and personal blogs were clogged with the breaking news last Friday related to David Petraeus. He is the Army general whose leadership had been relied upon by President Bush. He then became Director of the Central Intelligence Agency for President Obama. Brilliant and focused, there are people who believed he was presidential material for the near future.

In the words of Saturday's New York Times, "Few imagined that such a dazzling career would have so tawdry and so sudden a collapse." Some news outlets even pulled up the biblical story of David and Bathsheba as a parallel.

The news story Friday was that Mr. Petraeus had resigned his position as CIA Director because of an affair. The term "adultery"...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.