Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

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Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Steve Popoola on
The United States has just gone through a storm experience and is at the moment busy with recovery efforts.

Natural events like storms, give man little or no control.  You watch helplessly as it makes it’s advance towards you and only one option is open, move away from it’

For weeks before Hurricane Sandy finally hit, the US authorities had been warning the people in the places across its path to evacuate.  Some people heeded the warnings while others opted to stay.  I can’t help wondering whether most of those who died were among these ones who did not heed the warning to evacuate although I note that some of the fatalities were unavoidable.

Although Hurricane Sandy was a bigger storm than Hurricane Katrina, the fatalities and devastation was much more lower and we...
by Steve Popoola on
Some years ago, I undertook a domestic project which had been on my mind for over a year now.  The project was to paint our apartment, well at least the living room for a start.

As our children grew from infancy to  the ages when they begin to experiment the things they see others do, my wife and I faced various challenges.  One of the challenges was keeping the children from writing or drawing on the walls.

We did everything from buying them a blackboard and chalks, drawing books and even gave them some of our jotters to scribble on.  Did this work? Well for a few days after that it would seem as if we finally took their attention away from the walls but after a few days, you are sure to notice something new on the wall. I guess I gave up and just decided to ignore the walls until m...
by Steve Popoola on
Man was created by God to make an impact on the face of the earth. God’s purpose for creating man is seen in His declaration in Genesis 1:26-28, “Let them rule over the fish, the birds and all other living creatures..”

In other words, man’s presence was to impact the earth that God created. He created man in His likeness, in other words we were meant to be like God. It is no wonder that the Jesus Himself quoted scripture in John 10:34, ‘I, the most High God, say that all of you are gods and also my children’.

I recently watched a film titled, “The Avengers” and there is a scene which made comparison between men and gods. However, the implication  of Jesus’ quote above is that we were made to be gods, in other words god-like or having the nature of God.

This no doubt wil...
by Steve Popoola on
As Christians, we  believe the Bible is the authoritative guide by which we live. Over the decades however, more and more people are beginning to discountenance the authority of the scriptures with some actually taking the stand that the Bible is not inspired by God.

Some of my friends on Facebook, knowing my stand as a Christian, often seek my views concerning issues pertaining to the Christian faith. I recently got tagged in a video link by one Dr John Henrik Clarke in his speech titled 'Organized Religion vs Spirituality'. I had never before heard of this name and before I responded, I had to do a little research first.

It turned out that the late John Henrick Clarke was a professor of  African American history and had written a number of controversial books on reli...
by Steve Popoola on
In a recent service in my church, the visiting preacher asked a question, "is there anyone here who does not have a problem or a challenge in his or her life?" No one responded in the affirmative, indicating that everyone had a challenge of problem in some are in their lives.

It was not a question which required a great deal of thought before response. From the time that Adam and Eve representing mankind fell in the Garden of Eden, man began to have problems. Prior to the fall, man did not need to till the ground to make the plants grow. The soil already contained everything the plant needed to grow. All the water needed by the plants came from under the ground continually.

All Adam needed was to 'dress the garden and to keep it" (Gen 2:15) This meant that he was to ta...
by LaRose Karr on
Lately I've started wondering what in the world is in the minds of people? When I teach bible studies to women, I have a statement that I make. "I want you to know the word of God so well that you will not accept any false teaching. There are many authors, books and endless writings out there, but you have to make sure that what you are hearing and putting into your mind lines up with the word of God."

Something that I have witnessed first hand is what I call the "kindergarten" approach to Christianity. Now these are not people who are babes in Christ that I am talking about. I am referring to well grounded, solid people who love the Lord but who follow after the most popular teachings of certain well known writers and speakers.

For years there has been a huge followin...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.