Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

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Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Steve Popoola on
Yesterday, another event of global dimension came to an end. The London Paralympics 2012.

I must confess that I have never really taken much interest in the Paralympics as I considered it as a sport event just put together for the disabled people.  I became curious because of the pre-event preparations and organisation. It was as fever-pitch as the actual Olympics and I began wondering what all the furore was all about.

I did not have much time to spend watching the Olympics except a few events which came on while I relaxed after work or over the weekend. However, I had the opportunity to watch a few events of the Paralympics and I realized how wrong I had been about my perception of the event!

I saw people who ordinarily would not have been able to do the things they were...
by Jaye Lewis on
I sometimes shrink from the memories of my childhood, especially my adolescence and teenage years.  My father drank heavily.  My mother was continually depressed, and often non-communicative.  We moved from place to place, just often enough to reinforce the feeling that I would always be a stranger.

I could not take comfort in the structure nor the security of my family, because there was none.  I went to a religious school where compassion was limited, and accusations and judgment were the order of the day.  One would think that attending a religious school would light a fire within me, reflecting the warmth of the God who made me.  Sadly, I received more of dogma than of faith, and I often found myself confused about God’s influence in my life.

Surely God, if there was a G...
by Steve Popoola on
When the London Olympics drew close, I was thinking more of the inconvenience imposed on those of us living or working in London.

Being a metropolitan city, it is expected that the vehicular traffic can be quite chaotic especially during peak hours.

Add that to some roads being designated Olympic routes and all you can expect is a nightmare. This was why the organisers appealed to those staying outside London not to drive into London except it is absolutely necessary and in such cases, to expect delays.

When the Olympics itself started, apart from the opening ceremonies, I did not really follow the events except what I heard in the news or happen upon on TV.

In the last couple of days however, there has been an excitement in the country as gold medals started coming in aft...
by Steve Popoola on
Last weekend, the local church where I worship with my family, joined 30 other churches drawn from all the towns within the region called Medway in South East England.

It was 5-day event which culminated in a united worship service in which I was privileged to serve in one of the ministry teams. The event which was planned to coincide with the beginning of the London Olympics and was aptly tagged, ‘Medway More Than Gold’.

I was fascinated watching men and women of all races, tribe and colour come together and lift up their voices in worship. It was no wonder that the presence of God filled the huge tent which was set upon the Fort Pitt Hill.

For me, it was a small peek into how worship would be in heaven. The churches that came together definitely had differe...
by Steve Popoola on
London is agog with last minute, feverish arrangements to welcome athletes and representatives from different countries of the world.  The Olympics is biggest sports event of all which holds once every four years and this time it is the turn of London to open its arms wide in welcome to people from different tribes and nations.

For those of us living in and around London, it is a mixture of excitement and sacrifice, because of adjustments we will have to make especially in moving around, owing to the increased number of people who will be coming into the city either as fans, officials or athletes for the events.

As I think about the Olympics and the hub of activity going around me, I think of another event that has been foretold, the one which will have global significance. Th...
by Rubel Shelly on
A coach at a major university is convicted of molesting young boys for more than a decade. A would-be presidential nominee lies about an affair and the paternity of their child. Another round of bizarre behavior sends a music star into rehab. The stories keep hitting the press at a non-stop pace.

There will be more. Count on it. And one of the most common and off-putting responses we will hear in practically every case is this: What so-and-so does in private life has nothing to do with his or her public abilities.

At one level, that's right. Teaching kids how to be better athletes, wooing donors and getting votes, belting out a mesmerizing song - all those abilities exist independently of dumb, criminal, or evil things somebody does. For a time anyway. Until the nex...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.