Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

Welcome to Biblepraise

Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Jaye Lewis on

I remember Nancy Flurrie.

It was 1953 and we were both in second grade.  I was the "smart" oneand she was the "dumb" one, or so I thought.

I made life a living hell for that poor girl, and she just took it! Gentle and shy, Nancy was about eleven years old, and it had taken her years to reach second grade.  She had difficulty reading and writing.  All the kids made fun of her, especially me.

Nancy would just stand there, avoiding my eyes, and the tears would roll down her cheeks.  Cruel and clever, I was able to manipulate the crowd, so that the taunts of the audience would increase Nancy's misery and shame.  We called her stupid, ugly, smelly, dirty -- Nancy never fought back, which was a riot to her tormentors.

Then, one day, something changed.

I went to...
by Steve Popoola on
My youngest daughter and I went out a couple of days ago. On our return, she let slip that her she and her siblings have a suprise for me. She was quick however to add that it was a secret and that I wasn't meant to know.

I know that with Fathers' day being around the corner, the suprise would have something to do with that. When I asked if it had to do with Fathers' day, she told me, "It's not what you think, daddy"

Her expression was a give away but I pretended she had me fooled.
On Sunday, when we returned from Church, they all gave me their suprises packages, handmade cards and poems written to wish me Happy Fathers day.

As I recieved the 'gifts' and hugged them, I thought of those who no longer had earthly fathers. To be precise, I thought of the families of the plane cr...

by Steve Popoola on
Comfort For The Grieving
By Steve Popoola

The loss of a loved one can leave one numb, shocked and with many questions without answers.

Within the last one week, I have had my routine severely disturbed by the news of the death of two dear friends.  These were not deaths, which occurred after periods of illness. They came suddenly and abruptly leaving shock, tears and mourning in their wake.

While we were reeling from the death of our friend and unborn baby, the news of the plane crash which occurred in Lagos, Nigeria yesterday, killing all 153 people on board, hit us.  When the manifest of passengers was released, we found out one of our friends was on board the ill-fated flight and everything went dark again.

Many in Nigeria are struggling to come to term...
by Steve Popoola on
About 14 years ago in Lagos, Nigeria, the Internet was an emerging technology. Only few people had access to browse the Internet and I still remember with a smile how people would queue up to pay for having an email account created for them. As at that time, it was Hotmail, Yahoo or AOL.

Two years after, theInternet spread began though most people had access at work or at cyber cafes.

It was about this time that I began to think of ways to use my newfound knowledge and opportunity to share the insight I was getting when I read the scriptures.

I already had a list of friends I was corresponding with and they numbered about 10.  It was such a joy to be able to share thoughts and the knowledge of God’s words to these friends of mine and I was equally encouraged by their feedbac...
by Steve Popoola on
When my wife and I were courting, I had such ideals about being the perfect husband. I believed so much in those ideals that I told my wife what I looked forward to doing after we become husband and wife.

I remember telling her  how I would give her rest days while I do all the housework. I remember telling her how I would make sure I am always at home for her and the children any free time away from work. There were so many other things I looked forward to doing which I have forgotten – but my wife never forgot.

Not too long after our wedding, we began to have quarrels. I began to ask myself why I could be upset with someone I loved so much that I sometimes found it difficult to sleep just thinking about her?   I knew I didn’t make a mistake marrying the woman I loved, so w...
by Jaye Lewis on
I only noticed him out of the corner of my eye. I knew he was a Marine from the cut of his uniform, with it's tightly pressed military creases. Then I heard him, speaking low with a kind of hiss. He was not speaking to me. He was speaking to my Sergeant, who was the Non Commissioned Officer, in charge of the Military Information Booth, at San Francisco International Airport, where I served as a Navy WAVE, during the Vietnam War.

 I heard his tortured attempt to speak. "Hep nee, peesss!" (Help me, please!) He struggled with every word. I was grabbing my purse to take a much needed break, but I was caught by his struggle to make himself understood. I could hear the irritation in the sergeant's voice, as she demanded that he "speak up!"

I paused, as he began again, "I-nee-to-chan...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.