Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

Welcome to Biblepraise

Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Steve Popoola on
Jennifer had been deep in thought for days. She was torn between a desire to serve God and getting a juicy job offer.

The job was hers for the taking just as the HR Manager had told her a few days ago. There was however a snag. “I like you very much” said the man, who stood between her and a job she had spent many months pursuing. “How about we go out next weekend to celebrate your new job?” he said, eyes twinkling with a devilish wink.

“I am sorry, I can’t do that. I am a Christian!” Jennifer blurted out. Still smiling, he replied “Oh, don’t give me that crap. I’ve met a lot of your type before. You can leave now, when you are ready, you can give me a call. Have a nice day”.

“You can’t let this offer slip through your fingers!” exclaimed Jennifer’s friend, Teni. “There has t...
by Steve Popoola on
One of the contemporary gospel tracks I love to listen to is, ‘Giants ‘by Hezekiah Walker.  In a powerful song-message, he tells us that giants die and goes further to say that the bigger they are, the harder they fall!

As Christians, we face giants as we fight the good fight of faith. We encounter them everywhere. At work, in school, in our neighbourhood and wait for it…….sometimes in church!

What are giants? They are people, things or circumstances standing in our way, trying to prevent us from achieving our God-given purpose.

Giants are capable of stopping us in our tracks, forcing us to make a U-turn or switch paths.  They intimidate with their sheer size and stature and walk with an air of superiority.

In spite of all these however, there have been people who have def...
by Steve Popoola on

I did a last minute check to ensure that I did not leave anything I needed behind. Having done that, we got into the vehicle heading for the airport.

Thoughts and questions  ran through my mind as we set out on the journey.  There were many questions but few answers. There was however one conclusion, God would take care of everything.

It was not the first time I would be leaving my family for  a period of time but it was the first time I would be leaving them for an unspecified period of time. My wife asked me the question time and time again, ‘How long would it take for us to come and join you?’ I had no answer but once again I relied on my faith in God and told her, ‘Within a year from now, you should be with me, God willing’.

We got to the airpor...
by Steve Popoola on
I believe that the strength of a home is largely related to the choice of who we marry.  I do not know how far I would have gone in life if I had not married my wife. I have always been thankful of the fact that God did not give me the kind of person I wanted but gave me the person I needed.

Initially, my wife could not understand when I always convert our needs into prayer no matter  how little and trivial the problems were. Afterwards when the needs were met in unusual ways, she would remember that we actually did pray for it.

One of those incidents happened when we had a need for a car. I was not happy with the fact that we had to travel several miles to church, often combining foot and bus travels. By the time we get to church, we would most times be late and tired. The...
by Steve Popoola on
One thing I  have experienced constantly in my life as a Christian, is that God always has someone prepared to help you move from one phase to the other.

Most of the time, the people God sends our way to assist us are not the ones we focus on. They are most often than not, the people we least expect, so much so that when they come into the space of the undiscerning, they often view the intrusion with suspicion and mistrust. I have learnt to discern and to appreciate the people God thrusts into my life to provide support and assistance in various ways.

On the morning of our wedding, two things happened that I would always remember. The first was that due to some last minute communication breakdown, my best man could not make it to the wedding. Maria was upset about it but I t...
by Steve Popoola on

by Steve Popoola

Saturday 18th February 2012. I got into my car and drove out of my driveway. My destination was Heathrow International Airport, London.   I was going to welcome my family to the UK after being away from them for almost 2 years, the longest time we have ever spent apart.

My thoughts went beyond the two years to twenty years ago.  I had gone to the British High Commission to apply for my British passport and had been refused on the basis that I did not have enough documentation to prove my identity.  I had prayed, fasted and trusted that God would make a way for me but the letter in my hands told me otherwise.

My emotions raged within me as I considered my present circumstance which was an unenviable one. My parents were separated,...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.