Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

Welcome to Biblepraise

Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Steve Popoola on
The year 2022 has been a very difficult one for many and it hasn’t even ended yet. The year began with global concern as Russian forces massed the Ukrainian border. On February 24th, the Russians began what they referred to as ‘special military operation’ by attacking several Ukrainian cities including the capital city Kyiv. It initially looked like it would be a quick battle with the Russians swiftly taking major cities like Kherson but eight months later, the war rages on.The global effect of the war in Ukraine has been the sky rocketing of energy prices which has fuelled inflation in several countries, thereby causing untold hardship to many who before now, were barely able to make ends meet. According to the Russel Trust, food banks between Apri...
by Steve Popoola on
On Thursday September 8, 2022 I was in a queue to enter into BOXPARK in Wembley Park for an Awards Ceremony when my phone buzzed. I checked my screen and saw the notification from one of the news media, ‘Queen Elizabeth II is dead”. I looked around and saw that other people on the queue were doing the same. Since then, the passing of the Queen has taken centre stage in the media up till today when she was finally laid to rest.For me personally, what struck me about the Queen was her unflinching and unapologetic devotion to God and openly declaring her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I learnt that there had been pressure on her to tone down her messages of faith but she never changed who she was or what she believed in.  Her strong...
by Steve Popoola on
I recently came back from a weekend trip to Scotland to visit with my friend Keiran. Also on the same trip was another friend of ours, Lekha. The three of us serve on the Product Support Team of the YouVersion Bible App. While Keiran and Lekha are staff members, I serve as volunteer Coach/Team Lead. It is quite funny how we actually decided on this weekend trip. Keiran had visited England a few months ago and stayed in the town where I live. Lekha who also lives in England travelled to my town and we had a weekend of fellowship as well as visits to London, touring Buckingham Place and the House of Parliament. It was towards the end of his visit that Keiran asked me, “Have you been to...
by Steve Popoola on
In most cultures in the world, it is common for adult children to live with their parents until such a time when they decide to move out to live on their own. There was a time especially in the West, when children could not wait to be 18 so they could move out and be free of parental control. The trend these days however seem to be that adult children want to live with their parents as long as possible. I believe this is mostly due to a couple of reasons with the top on the list being economic factors. While living with their parents, children have free access to feeding and other utilities they would have otherwise paid for if they were living on their own. Although they enjoy these facilities freely, they come at a cost to their parents who have to foot th...
by Steve Popoola on
A fundamental part of Christian worship is Continual Thanksgiving. In order to understand the importance of thanksgiving, we’ll need to examine three aspects of thanksgiving; Who, When and Why.On a general note, we should show gratitude to anyone who does good to us. As Christians however, the primary focus of out gratitude is God. The Bible is filled with many commands to give thanks to God. Psalm 106:1, 107:1 and 118:1 all echo the song in 1 Chronicles 16:34. *Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!*God is the source of every gift we enjoy. But He doesn’t just stop there. By the time we enjoy today’s benefits, He’s got tomorrow’s benefits ready for us to enjoy. He never runs out of good...
by Steve Popoola on
Thank God for prayers unanswered prayers! Well, I thank God for prayers He did not answer according to what I wanted.As a young couple, my wife and I went through a particularly challenging year, but God saw us through. We were grateful for all the things we were able to accomplish during the previous year and looked forward to greater accomplishments the following year. We made plans for the year including getting better jobs and seeking small business opportunities for my wife and it looked and sounded great as we discussed all the options.I came back from work one evening to receive a bombshell. It wasn’t supposed to be shocking news, in fact it was supposed to be a joyful one. However, the circumstances and the obvious effect the news would have o...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.