Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

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Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Steve Popoola on
I recently read an account in the scriptures which got me thinking about following sound advice.When Rehoboam the son of Solomon was installed King of Israel, the leaders of Israel sought his audience on a matter of utmost importance. Solomon had laid a heavy burden of taxation and labour on the people and they were hoping for a relief now that his son had been installed as king. In 1 Kings 12: 3-4, the leaders told Rehoboam the king, “Your father was a hard master. Lighten the harsh labor demands and heavy taxes that your father imposed on us. Then we will be your loyal subjects." Rehoboam decided to give the matter some thought and told the people to come back after three days for his decision. The king summoned the elders who had bee...
by Steve Popoola on
As a child, I had dreams of what I wanted to become and I remember going with my dad to his office and sitting behind his desk dreaming of one day when I would sit in my own office and manage a company like he did back then. Unfortunately, life threw a curved ball at me early in life so that when my mates were going off to Institutions of Higher Learning after secondary school, I was looking for a job so I could save up to get a University education.I got a job alright, however, my income could barely cover my expenses before the next pay day talk less of saving for my education. Against all odds I registered for a professional course and began attending evening lectures. I studied hard because I felt like my whole life depended on my success.I was no...
by Steve Popoola on
My wife and I have been on holiday in Morocco for a week. It was quite a refreshing time of rest and relaxation. One of the highlights of that holiday was the food. We are used to having our breakfast late especially on weekends and days when we are not working so it took a bit of adjustment for us to maker sure we get to the restaurant between the hours of 7:30am and 9:30am to have our breakfast. The sheer amount of food choices available was quite overwhelming but it was fun deciding on what we would eat first and what we would eat next.  By the third day, we began to eat less and less not because we no longer enjoyed the food but because we knew we just could not keep up. It seems the more we ate, the more food came out of the kitchen. It felt like th...
by Steve Popoola on
I was invited over the weekend for a thanksgiving/send-off service. When the invitation came, I was not sure I would attend because I thought I had a program in church on that day. Fortunately, I learned in time that the program was not for that particular Sunday, but for the next one. The coast was therefore clear for me to attend the service I was invited to. On that Saturday morning however, I began to feel feverish and this again cast doubt on my ability to honour the invitation. Nevertheless, after a long night rest, I was strong enough to make a firm decision not to miss the service.I set off on a rainy Sunday morning. My destination: the maximum-security prisons in Lagos, Nigeria. The event was the thanksgiving service of the Pastor of the protestant group of ch...
by Steve Popoola on
It seems contradictory to call someone a Servant King but that is what Jesus represented when he came to the earth. His disciples didn’t get the servant part, they were so focused on the kingly role. For many years, the Jews had suffered on the rule of the Romans and they were desperate for change.  When they saw the miracles He did, they were excited! This has to be the one God sent to liberate the Jews from the Romans!How wrong they were! Jesus was already King of kings and Lord of lords. He left His glory in heaven to save the ones He loved. He didn’t come to Lord it over his subjects, He came identify with human flesh, to teach us how to live and love one another while at the same time offering His life as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.
by Steve Popoola on
When I completed my secondary education, like every other young secondary school leaver, I looked forward to gaining admission into the University. I had high hopes in spite of the fact that things did not look so bright financially with my parents.When my GCE results were released, although it was not a bad result, it was not good enough to secure admission for the specific course I wanted to study. This meant that I had to re-write these papers,As a young Christian, I knew how to pray. I approached the resit of the exam with a firm belief in God and did my best to prepare for it. As happened in the first exam, I had the same problem getting the grades I needed for the specific subject and it hit me really hard. At this point, I started thinking...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.