Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

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Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Steve Popoola on
Guilt. Every one has felt it at one time or the other. Each and every one of us has an inbuilt nature called the conscience. It’s like a shadow that follows us about, watching our every conduct and quick to speak out once we cross the line of sin. The resultant effect is sin.

When God created Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, their consciences had no job to do. It was totally unemployed. Guilt did not even exist. Adam and Eve had a perfect relationship with God.

The minute they disobeyed God however, they created a job for their conscience and along same guilt. Even before God came visiting, they knew they had done something wrong. The first reaction was to hide. First they had to hide their nakedness; secondly they had hide from the presence of God. (Gen 3:7 – 1...
by Rubel Shelly on
Announcing on her Facebook page that she was doing it "in the name of Christ," author Anne Rice told fans last week that she was giving up Christianity.

If you are a Christian, take offense at her public remark, and are prepared to write her off as either someone who must not have been a believer in the first place or just another angry celebrity denouncing Jesus, hold on for a moment.

Anne Rice has sold over 75 million books. Best known for Interview With a Vampire and other Gothic novels, she had renounced the Roman Catholic religion of her youth at 18. As an adult, she not only became a successful writer but also lost her five-year-old granddaughter to leukemia and numbed her pain for years afterward as an alcoholic. Following surgery and a diabetic coma...
by Rishie on
Give me a heart that seeks after you,

that longs to be nearer  to you,

That puts you above my greatest joy

and follows wherever you lead

Give me a mind that thinks of you

and meditates on your word,

help me cleanse it of impure thoughts

and anything that shouldn't be there.
Give me a soul that longs for you

and seeks for you more and mor,

Let nothing distract me or draw me away

from my desire to worship you.
Lord help me to be who you made me to be,

Help me to change my ways,

Teach me Lord that I might know you more

For i desire to be pleasing to you.
Give me a heart that seeks for you,

A mind that understands,

A soul that longs for you more every moment

and help me to love and serve you.

Rishie is a 38 year old vision impaired woman who lives...
by Steve Popoola on

“……..In integrity of heart and innocency of hands I have done this” (Gen 20:5)

I looked up the meaning of integrity in the dictionary and came up with the following;

1. Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code

2. The state of being unimpaired; soundness

3. The quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness

To the Christian, the definitions above can be easily understood. We are committed to the obedience of God’s laws which are both moral and spiritual. A man who is walking in integrity is in a sound state. He has a clear focus of what is good and what is bad. He is not confused or doubtful about what is required of him and he exudes the character of one who can be trusted.

Christians should unders...
by Helen Dowd on
(Luke 11:9 & 10)

God's never too busy to answer our prayer,
no matter how small it may be.
He's willing and able our burdens to bear;
all our cares laid on Him sets us free.
God wants for His children to grow every day
more confident, trusting, reliant.
His ear is on every small thing that we say:
In His will, with our prayers He's compliant.

A child never worries that what he demands
is silly, or too small to voice.
So boldly he comes, and before us commands,
and to answer he leaves little choice.
Sometimes we're too busy to listen right then,
and try to ignore his loud crying;
or maybe we tell him to come back again,
or we don't even bother replying.

A child is relentless: he'll keep up his quest.
He'll pester until we give in.
He knows what he wants, and he'll not le...
by Joseph Mazzella on
I used to love to play in the woods near my home when I was a boy. I especially enjoyed sitting by a certain crystal clear mountain stream that flowed musically down the side of a hill.

Green moss covered the rocks and made a comfortable seat on either side of it and when I would bend down I could see my own smiling face reflected back at me. I used to love taking a sip of  its pure, sweet water. It always tasted like a drink from Heaven.

Going back in my mind to those carefree days beside those blessed waters reminds me of all the wonderful lessons they taught me.

They taught me not to grasp too tightly. If I did the water would seep through my fingers and I would be left with nothing. Instead I learned to let the

water flow over my hand and to lift it gently in...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.