Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

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Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Steve Popoola on
I grew up not really having a very close relationship with my father. Not that he wasn't a caring father – he did the usual things fathers do; ensure that our basic needs were met, once in a while taking my siblings and I out and of course pay for our education.

I was still young when my parents broke up and I had to live with my mother in spite of my dad's overtures for me to come and stay with him. This period in time effectively denied me the father-figure I needed at this critical period of my life.

I had a friend who lived in our neigbourhood. Whenever I visited, I noticed that the children were usually playful and free whenever their father was away from home. However, as soon as they hear the sound of his car, everyone would scamper to the...
by Steve Popoola on
I have recently been reading the book of Chronicles and have been captivated by the history of the dynasties of biblical Israel.

Starting from Saul the first king of Israel, we read about God, deciding of His own will, the characteristics of the man that should be king. He did not pick a man from the rich and influential families in Israel but rather, He picked a man from the smallest family in the smallest tribe in Israel. (1 Sam 9:21)

Saul became king and started his kingdom with so much zeal. Along the line however, he got distracted and began pursuing his own agenda rather than the agenda of God who made him king. The result was that God cut short Saul’s dynasty (1 Samuel 13:14)

David was anointed the next king of Israel after Saul. He was an unlikely candidate f...
by Steve Popoola on
Companies spend a lot of money packaging their goods. They understand that no matter how good a product is, the packaging is what influences the consumer.

I was in my office one day when a server which the company ordered, was delivered. The sheer size of the container was intimidating and we all wondered what it contained.

We were quite amused when we opened up the container and extracted the equipment which occupied less than half the size of the container.

How many times have you bought something because it looked attractive and beautiful only to find out that another competitive product which you left behind would have been more effective and relevant to your needs?

The maker of a product knows what is contained in the package that comes out of his factory.   He does n...
by Joseph Mazzella on
I snapped at my son today. In a moment of frustration I scolded him over something trivial that I could have easily ignored. I saw the hurt in his eyes after I did it and apologized to him.  Afterwards, I gave him a hug, reminded him of what a good son he is, and told him how proud I am of him. Still, I wished I could have taken back what I said earlier.

Later in the day I was in the store getting a few items for dinner. An elderly lady was stretching in vain to reach something on a high self. I walked over and asked if I could help. She said,"Yes" and I got what she needed down for her. She then thanked me for the helping hand and I told her it was my pleasure. I left the store feeling both happier and closer to God.

How do I reconcile that frustrated Father I was earlier i...
by Rubel Shelly on
"Why is Jesus getting such bad P.R.?" was the headline that caught my eye. Written by Charita Goshay and distributed by the Gatehouse News Service in April of this year, the article under that caption makes about as much sense as anything I've read in a while.

Goshay begins her piece with a reference to the Hutaree militia. The group's web site said the private army was "preparing for the end-time battles to keep the testimony of Jesus Christ alive." From there, she begins to muse.

"Maybe it's because he can't be trademarked, but Jesus is misused a lot these days and for causes that bear little resemblance to his mission.

"Does someone who Christians believe walked on water and rose from the dead really need 'help' from Midwesterners running around the wood...
by Steve Popoola on
Recently, I was invited by friends to attend a Christian music festival in one of those towns outside London. My friends came to pick me in their car and we headed out. Before we left however, my friend who was driving, took out his SatNav and punched in the post code of our destination and we proceeded on our journey.

This journey ordinarily should have taken us about one and half hours but we ended up getting to our destination three hours later. ‘What happened?’ you might ask.

When we got to a particular point on the highway, we were meant to take a turn but the SatNav did not prompt us. By the time we took the wrong turn, we realized that we were in the other side of the road heading back to London and had to drive 29 miles before we could turn back to the other...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.