Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

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Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Steve Popoola on
If you were to ask a number of people what is important to them, you are guaranteed as many different answers as the number of those you asked the question from.

Having been crowned king of Israel and waging series of wars until such a time when there was peace, David decided that it was time to build a befitting place of worship to the Lord.

He told Nathan the prophet, "Here I am, living in a palace of cedar, while the ark of God remains in a tent." (2 Sam 7:2). Nathan was quite happy at this statement from David. Apparently, it was a desire from a heart after God.  On the face of it, it was a very good idea and Nathan had no reason not to support such a great decision coming from the king.

However, God thought differently and sent Nathan back with instructions t...
by Steve Popoola on
Main Text: Luke 18:1 – 8


The work of faith is a process. It begins when a child of God places absolute trust in His Father to bring to pass those things he desires from God. It proceeds through a process called patience and then terminates at the destination called reward.

Many start the journey of faith but falter at the stop called hope. It is usually the longest part of the journey, with nothing in sight to give indication that the journey is about to end. Sometimes one of more obstacles threatens this journey, tempting us to turn around – and some do turn around. However, those who have been skilled in the art of navigating through the journey of faith know that after the desert of hope, the reward of faith awaits.

The Beg...
by Helen Dowd on
Make yourself acquainted with these two stepbrothers: SELF WORTH and SELF WORTHLESSNESS. Although these brothers have two opposing attitudes, they both work for the same employer: Satan. He uses these two innocent looking fellows most efficiently, if we let him.

SELF WORTH: Or self-importance is exploited by (pushed) by the "New World" way of thinking: "I am important." or "I'm worth it!" I'm sure you've seen TV ads flaunting this idea.

SELF-WORTHLESSNESS: This attitude is just as prevalent, one which Satan uses all the time on Christians. I certainly know that he tries it on me a lot. But we must shake both these ways of thinking. To begin with, we didn't make ourselves, so why should we take credit or blame for our make up.

Isaiah 54:9 "Woe unto him that...
by Steve Popoola on
Aaron and Miriam had an issue with Moses. They disagreed with his marrying an Cushite woman (Numbers 12:1) It is not really obvious why they were against Moses’ marriage to this woman but what can be deduced is that they already had a grudge with Moses and this was just an excuse to show it.

Miriam was first mentioned in that verse and one could deduce that she instigated her brother Aaron to join her in speaking against Moses. The next verse shows us the main reason for their grudge. They were challenged the exclusivity of God’s communion with Moses. Since Miriam was a prophetess, speaking words given to her through the Spirit of God, she saw herself as equal to Moses.  The verse ends with the words, ‘And the Lord heard this’. It didn’t mean God did not hear the ot...
by Mary-Ellen Grisham on

During Lent, many Christians take time for self-evaluation.  The need to understand our shortcomings and sins and repent for them is essential to our Christian growth.  Some have said that the "unexamined life" is not worth living, but there are many good reasons for being aware of areas that need improvement.

Where a Christian has inner conflict and uncertainty about motivation, talking with God can help.  Prayer frequently causes us to focus on the real reasons for our behavior or our ambivalence about...
by Steve Popoola on
Becoming a Christian starts from hearing God’s word. I always thank God for the written word. Without it, we will be at the mercy of learned men and religious professors. It would take a long time for us to really understand the very important principles of salvation, baptism and resurrection.

The scriptures give us the opportunity to read God’s word and to know what He has been saying since time past and what He is saying to us today (Daniel 9:2). It is so amazing to see that there are certain things that the Christians immediately after the resurrection of Jesus could not fully appreciate but which is so real to us today.

In spite of efforts over the centuries to discredit the Bible, it has continued to be a beacon of light to the world. Its critics have lived a...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.