Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

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Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Steve Popoola on
As people prepare for a new year, they go a process where their progress in the old year is evaluated and serve as the basis for making plans for the new year.

The usual practice is the drawing up of a list of things to do, which is popularly called ‘New Year Resolution’. These resolutions are usually in the form of promises to stop some habits, engage in an activity or undertaking some project which the person could not follow through in the past year.
From experience however, I have come to realize that a high number of people who make these resolutions, try within the first few days to keep to the letter of the resolution but after a few more days, it gets tougher and tougher until they give up altogether.

I believe the major reason why people fail to keep resolutions is be...
by Rubel Shelly on
Maybe I'm just overly sensitive. But I think window designers, greeting card companies, and media have fallen victim to what I hope is the unintentional diminishing of December 25 for people with backgrounds similar to my own.

Have you noticed that "Happy Holidays" or "Seasons Greetings" seems to have replaced "Merry Christmas" as the standard greeting for this time of year?
There are some persons and groups who crusade against anything that carries even the slightest hint of God, religion, or faith. Thus you've read about the occasional music teacher who bans "Silent Night" or "Joy to the World" in favor of "Here Comes Suzy Snowflake" or "Walking in a Winter Wonderland."

Sometimes it is the decision of a school board to ban all religious music in favor of performances th...
by Steve Popoola on
The season comes and we see the same scenario playing out itself. The shopping plazas are full; the cities are bustling with traffic, both human and vehicular. You wonder where such mammoth crowd emerged from all of a sudden.

'But its Christmas!' you might say, and I agree with you. My question however is, 'Whose Christmas?'
I was reading the account of the birth of Jesus and something struck my mind.   Mary and Joseph had gone to Bethlehem to be counted in line with the decree of Ceaser Augustus. While there, she went into labour. Imagine for a moment, being in Joseph's shoes. He must have gone from inn to inn looking for accommodation and could not find any because they were all booked by others, who had also come to Bethlehem to be counted.

When all efforts proved abor...
by Steve Popoola on
How would you feel when going through tough and difficult circumstances, someone rushes to you exclaiming, ‘I have good news for you!’  Skeptical, wary, excited?  I could understand if the first two responses are evident. It would take some more information for one to become excited when the circumstances are not favourable.
This was the state of the nation of Israel at the time if Jesus' birth which was put at about 4. BC. It was not the best of time for the Jews who were currently subject to the Roman Empire under Caesar Augustus. As if that were not bad enough, they were being ruled at this time by the tyrannical king, Herod who was made king by the Romans. He was a stern and wicked ruler who had no problem killing anyone who posed a threat to his throne even members of his...
by Steve Popoola on
One of the main activities of the Christmas season is the exchange of gifts between family members and loved ones. In some homes, children wake up on Christmas day to find presents waiting for them under the Christmas tree in the living room, presumably left there by Santa Claus.
In many countries in Africa, Santa Claus is not well known to leave presents at home, possibly because of the poor economic climate. However, the children get to visit him in his grotto where he gives gifts to children depending on where he is located. In the privileged neighbourhoods, he is known to give nice fairly expensive gifts which is a fall out of the price parents would have paid to give their children the special privilege to meet Mr. Santa.

In other places however, he gives out cheap and...
by Steve Popoola on
I know some of my friends who love cars. Let me rephrase that; I know some of my friends who are crazy about cars. They can be talking with you one minute and stop mid-sentence to stare at a car passing by which catches their fancy.  When they talk about cars, you know from their expression how passionate they are about those four legged creatures.

There are others like me however, who love to drive. Unlike the described earlier, I am not crazy about the make or the model of the vehicle. Just give me a strong car with ability to respond to my need for speed and you can be sure that I will do justice on the wheel within reasonable and legal limits though.

There is something about people who love to drive. No matter how good the person driving the car, they will not feel c...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.