Biblepraise Fellowship Online

Inspirational Writings, Stories and Poetry.

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Inspirational writing to encourage you, just because we care!

by Steve Popoola on
Imagine someone gives you a gift.  You unwrap the gift and inside was  an expensive, gold-plated phone. How would you feel?  What would you do after receiving the phone?


How would you feel when you power up the phone and it does not work because it does not come with a battery and has no way of being powered by one?

“And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee and there went out a fame of him through all  the region round about.”  (Luke 14:4)



What did it mean when the verse says Jesus returned? The answer to that lies in what transpired before this time.


Verse 1 begins with, “And Jesus, being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led the by Spirit into the wilderness”


When a...
by Steve Popoola on
Life can be very tough. People everywhere face different degree of life’s difficult situations. Ask the young man who has a job but who is not well paid, how life is. He will tell you it has been very tough.


Another person close by would probably wonder why the young man is saying life is tough when he, a married man with a family, earn less. It can sound funny to a man who has a dollar left in his pocket, to hear another complaining that he only has a thousand dollars left in his bank account and that things have been tough!

There are people who cannot remember when last they lived a pain free life. There are others who find themselves in negative circumstances created by others. Take the example of civil wars in countries like Sudan , Ethiopia and Syria .  ...
by Mary-Ellen Grisham on
For my father, character was very important. Having moral strength and the ability to stand for the right were signs of character, and he praised people who cared about honor, their good name, and their promises. They were people we could trust, and their word meant … something because we could count on them to do what they said they would.


Father always supported us in church going and went with us when his job allowed, but he also felt we owed our best efforts to country, school, and home. He thought that we should be reliable people with character and trustworthiness in all that we did.

I can clearly remember how he urged me to do my best work at school and to do more than required when possible. He saw virtue in hard work and maintaining a standard of exc...
by Steve Popoola on
Many years ago, on Easter Monday, I settled down at home to prepare the week’s Biblepraise Newsletter. Since it was a public holiday, I decided to send the newsletter out later in the day so that most readers, who I know read the articles at work, may find the newsletter waiting for them in their email on Tuesday morning.


Just as I was about to power up my laptop, I decided to do a clean up of  the machine, a task I had been putting forward for some time. I took my time to do the cleaning and then pressed the power button. The lights on the keyboard panel showed but nothing else happened. “The battery must be down, I thought, as I pushed in the power cable.


The same thing happened. I became apprehensive. I had used this laptop earlier in the day and it worked perf...
by Rubel Shelly on
I don't know much about satanism or satanists. My only personal contact with an alleged satanic cult came years ago now when I turned a teenaged runaway who claimed to have been exploited by satanists over to the police and human services authorities for investigation - and protection.


Frankly, I've always been a bit skeptical that many people were "true believers" in the cult's claims and antics. Most of the public statements and exhibitions seemed more attention-seeking than serious, more like some rebellious adolescent antic than a sinister escapade. This may be just one more.
Miranda Barbour, 19, is accused of murdering a man last November that she met on Craigslist, seduced under the pretense of having sex with him, and then killed. She seems to be in real trouble on tha...
by Steve Popoola on
I recently  watched a scene from an episode of NCIS Los Angeles.  Special Agent Kensi Blye was having a conversation with a young girl while they played cards.

The girl’s mother had died but before she did, she gave a note to her daughter, addressed to a man who the girl learnt was her father whom she had never met.

At some point in the conversation, Kensi asked the girl, ‘How are you sure he is your father?’ The young girl, who was also suffering from a form of autism, just shrugged her shoulders. After a while, when it seemed the discussion has been forgotten, she asked Kensi, ‘Did you know your father?’ To which Kensi replied, ‘Yes’. The girl followed up with the question, ‘How did you know he was your father? “Touché” I said out loud and my son who was also...
Steve Popoola
Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the founder of the Biblepraise Fellowship Online. He lives in Kent, United Kingdom, where he works as an IT Professional. He serves currently as a Worship Leader in his local church and on occasion, speaks at invited events.